In November 2017, Natural England updated the Standing Advice relating to Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees - this advice has been tweaked in January 2018 to revise some of this advice.
In relation to veteran trees, the advice updated in November 2017 has not been amended. This advice introduced a key recommendation for a "buffer zone at least 15 times larger than the diameter of a veteran tree or 5m from the edge of its canopy, if that’s greater" and "protecting veteran trees by designing open space around them".
This is potentially important for developers as it is an increase on the maximum root protection area of 15m recommended by the arboricultural British Standard, BS 5837). For further information, please feel free to contact us on [email protected] or call us on 01379 890770.
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Jon HuckleThis is intended to host my articles on ecology, news about what I am up to, and general musings or ramblings about things that concern me.... Archives
February 2023